Saturday August 27, 2022, Belleville to Murray Canal

The convoy of 3 boats left Belleville with the intention of going through the Murray Canal.   The Murray canal has very narrow entrances, with shallow areas on each side of the ‘ditch’ under water.  In one area there is a shallow 3 feet on the north side and less than 6 feet on the other side.  The available width is just 60 feet or less. 

We were told by the swing bridge crew to hold position in this underwater canyon.   I started getting close to the less than 6 feet north side and tried to turn around in narrow space.  I hit Doug’s dinghy, and broke a couple of expensive fittings.  He yelled at me to reverse and I tried, but failed to do so in time and ultimately hit his boat.   I’m very angry at myself for being intimidated by the shallow water and screwing up Doug’s day.    It was completely my fault and it haunts me even when I write this a week later.  He got a quote for the broken pieces and I reimbursed him immediately, but it was a pittance for my ruining both our days.  I was so shaken I got grounded on the south side and plowed through soft mud that was about 5.5 feet deep (I draw 6 feet).  We left 30 foot trail of muddy water behind us before we got clear.    I’ve grounded too often lately and I still have to go through the dreaded Presqu’iIe Bay tomorrow where the navigation buoys don’t necessarily keep you from running aground. 

It is at the second swing bridge that boats must pay $5.50 for passage through the Murray Canal.  As you approach the open bridge, a person passes a long stick with a bucket on the end and boaters are supposed to drop the money into the bucket as payment.   It is a quaint custom, but it is their way and it works, I guess.  Pierre dropped the money in and we passed through.


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