Monday July 18, 2022, Port Dalhousie

Plan is to leave Weddnesday at 5pm.  That’s when my crew, Matt is available.   I hope we make more than 5 knots average, or we’ll enter Kingston in the dark.  (28 hours @ 5knots) Windy says the best wind will be on Thursday anyway so maybe we’ll make great time.   Alternate marina would be Waupus Marina in the County.  Tuesday is dedicated to getting things done like laundry, and boat duties like:

  • Stow the white anchor
  • Fix up bedding in two cabins
  • Run dinghy and motor (for the first time!)
  • Get provisions
  • Storm proof the interior

As usual, the wifi sucks tonight.

The weather channel talks about tstorms and tornados but windy doesn’t.  fml.  We’ll watch out for that stuff and act accordingly.  Windy predicts far less than a 28 hour journey so maybe that’s what they mean.    


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