Friday, July 8, 2022  Port Dalhousie

I’m still doing the perp walk from the boat to office to get any Wi-Fi at all.  That’s my bitch today. 

I haven’t heard if my water pump arrived yet.  If it does, that will be my job tomorrow.  If it doesn’t, I want to dismantle a few bars on the pushpit so I can access the dinghy and I should sort the anchors out.  But the weather is supposed to be outstanding so my plans may get waylaid by an afternoon sail.  I need to get at Canadian Tire:

  • Plumbing tape
  • A large wide slot headed screwdriver
  • 25’ of dock line

My plans to go south in September are at risk.  My doctor says I’m a prime candidate for both knees to be replaced and I have the same osteoarthritis in my L4 and L5 spine.   My original plan was to make the decision on August 1.  If the boat was ready, and I was ready, then September 1 I head to Oswego.  The boat will be ready; the boat came to me almost ready, but I wonder if my knees will make single handing a serious problem.   This is depressing but several things can happen.

  • The wait list for knee replacements is 2 years.  Why don’t I go and come back for the operation?
  • I may find a travelling partner which would give us 4 legs to work the boat.  I’d like that. 
  • I may settle in to for the winter here and look forward to the spring and a whole new plan.  
  • What else?

The next 6 weeks are important to this planning and stay tuned.  It’s a beautiful boat and I plan many miles below the keel.  Having the August 1 decision date means I don’t sweat the decision until that day.  No worrying.  Simply preparing and planning.   It would be painful to worry every day about what to do.  I’ll worry on August 1 and not before.

The pump did not arrive today.  So I’m waterless for the weekend and don’t have that to install.


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