I didn’t plan to spend so much time on this website but by now it has done a few great things for me.

  • I’ve enjoyed spending the time fixing up the log and publishing it. It reminds me of what a great, and adventurous summer we’ve had.
  • I had to organize the entries, including the ones from a previous life where I was traveling without a boat but still with a wit. More great reminders of previous life.
  • It has me thinking about what I want the Cambio social media to look like and how the long list of available applications will work together. I didn’t take many images underway and almost no video so last summer’s stories are told in the log.

I plan a lot more video and logs for next year and the focus to depart for the South around about September 1, 2023 will be in everything we do, whether it be training, improving the boat, planning, developing social media, and getting the boat and crew in shape.

And it won’t all appear at once. It will be a migration of serial improvements that will introduce Cambio and crew logically and lovingly.

The web site is baked, and filled with content. And additions need to be made over the next few months.

The Instagram page is at www.instagram.com/sailingcambio.

A Facebook page lives at sailingcambio

YouTube page is at, you guessed it, Sailing Cambio, but it will be a while before I get some reasonable content into it.

I’m still evaluating Twitter and Linkedin. I have personal accounts there but haven’t done much with them.

I have to figure out the workflow for all of this and it will be good January & February work when the days are still dark. We are near Niagara Falls, Ontario and it will be it’s too cold to do anything but drive down and look at Cambio.

And now back to hacking WordPress, or editing some of the images I took of beautiful models on Cambio last summer. One seems like work, the other doesn’t.



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