Friday August 26, 2022, Belleville

Nothing happened today except had a great evening with Dalhousie friends Doug and Patti Jo, Whitby friend Klaus who just bought a house in Seeley’s Bay, and Joanne the fearless single hander in Nonsuch 36 number one and Tony, who watched the Ticat game for most of the night.

It was supposed to rain and thunderstorm but all it did at the dock was rain a bit.   No sign of thunderstorms but that’s just fine.   It was a day of rest.   

I tried to figure out the sewage smell in the aft cabin but couldn’t find the leak.  The compartment was painted with gloss white paint and there were no signs of dirt in the compartment.  The holding tank looks brand new.  Doug suggested that it might be the pipes that are leaking through their skins after being old.  When I get home, I’ll swap them out and see if it fixes it.  Until then, hold your nose.

This club, Bay of Quinty Yacht Club is very friendly.   A fellow named Wayne took me up to the local Metro to get provisions.   Provisions is always grub and booze and they had both at this Metro.  Wayne is the club host, for lack of a better word.  He maintains the flower gardens, manages the guest docks and generally works around the club.  Wayne was good enough to plant tomatoes for the public and we picked one to make a real treat on a cruising boat: a bacon and tomato sandwich.  Wayne is definitely a fantastic host, and the club is also very comfortable.


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