Wednesday July 13, 2022   Port Dalhousie

Matt and I went out for a sail this afternoon.  There was no wind so we smoked a cigar and saved a dragonfly from a spider web and then returned to the dock before the rain arrived.

This morning I cleaned up the wires that lead to the solar panels so it seems possible to climb through the pulpit and get into the dinghy, probably without dignity.    If it isn’t raining that will be tomorrow’s task.  I hope I fit.

Jeff’s eye will be either passed or failed tomorrow and if he doesn’t get clearance from the doctor, I’ve got plan B, C, D, and E

  • Plan B Sail to Kingston in steps, from Port to Whitby to Coburg to Trenton to Kingston, perhaps with a stopover in Prinyers Cove.
  • Plan C Sail directly to Kingston from Port.  141.8 nautical miles and 28 hours if the boat can average 5 knots.
  • Plan D like Plan B but recruit Matt or someone to come along
  • Plan E Drive to Kingston closer to July 30.

I still like Plan A, with Jeff combined with either plan B or C.  To be determined.

My Reboard ladder arrived today.  Tomorrow I’ll start looking for the best place to put it.

I guess I should mention the anchor, which I’ve looked at but that doesn’t sort it out.


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