And Tempus Fugit  Friday June 24, 2022, Port Dalhousie

Why is it what should be simple and is promised by the marina doesn’t work?   And why does it take more time than boat maintenance to try to fix it.  I’m talking about the wifi signals.  The signal is intermittent and when it does shine, it doesn’t work.  The management is not exactly working on the problem and it isn’t worth putting my footyfoot down … yet.  Not that my stomp will solve anything, IMHO.

Seizing wire on the topping lift, job complete.  

I start 5 days of photoshoots on the boat tonight and I’m looking forward to a meeting of sailing and photography.   I have some great models coming and now it’s all up to me. 

I’ve docked Cambio twice single handed.  Both were good dockings, now that I’m able to walk the boat to the starboard using the prop walk phenomenon. 


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